Disabling Reset Button on a CPE210 v3.20 with OpenWRT

To connect a building without network infrastructure to a LAN I got a CPE210 v3.20 and flashed with a current OpenWrt. After the router was deployed on the outside and connected to the inside with a ribbon cable, I had several problems with the router resetting itself and losing the config. After a little bit of research I came to the working hypothesis that the reset button collects electrical noise and triggers the reset line. [Mehr]

Frohes neues Jahr

Das mit den goldenen 20ern hat nicht so dolle geklappt und 2020 war wohl für alle nicht ganz leicht. Im Rückblick betrachtet brachte 2020 diverse Offline Aktivitäten wie z.B. Pfadfinderaktionen wie Pfingstlager und Gruppenstunden zum erliegen. Mit den Gruppenstunden haben wir im Sommer wieder angefangen als das Wetter so war dass wir draussen was machen konnten und die Zahlen entsprechend niedrig waren. Aber mit der Pause in den Herbstferien ging es dann auch direkt in den “Lockdown Light” über und so haben wir seit rund 3 Monaten keine Gruppenstunde mehr durchführen können. [Mehr]

Collecting Temperature Data from ELA Bluetooth Puck with ESPHome

ELA Innovations sells Bluetooth Low Energy based IDs and Sensors in different flavor ranging from ID, Temperature, Temperature and Humidity to Digital IO and more. From some tests I had a Temperatue and a Temperature and Humidity lying around and tried to connect them to my Home Assistand installation. The Pucks are configured with a Smartphone App and I have set them to a Update intervall of 2 seconds and the usage of Bluetooth Service Data for the actual data. [Mehr]

Office 365 to Orgmode Calendar Export

My employer uses Office365 and therefore I like to get the information from there into a org-mode File for further use. There exist already ews-orgmode which uses the exchange webservices for that task. While it works fine, I like to habe some more information in the org file like the body Preview or the URL to a Online Meeting like Teams. Getting this information from the exchange Webservice was not easily achivable for me and therefore I took a look info the Microsoft Graph API and took inspiration from the sample code python-sample-console-app from Microsoft and ews-orgmode source and build msgraph-orgmode to my needs. [Mehr]

Farbe in den Garten

Farbe in den Garten

Teile der Familie waren fleissig und haben für Farbe im Garten gesorgt.

Vielen Dank dafür!
